How We Started
A Message from the Managing Director
Vision & Mission
International Collaboration
Manufacturing & Marketing
How we started

On the 8th of August, 1988, several prominent doctors believed that conventional drugs were lacking in potency and believed that only a quality drug will improve the welfare of mankind.
Concerned for their patient’s health and wellbeing, the founders decided to establish a state of the art pharmaceutical manufacturing facility to create drugs in accordance to their own strict specifications. As a result of such strong ideals and a passion for welfare, Fahrenheit was born. As such, the visions of our founders can be reflected in the company’s name, PT. Pratapa Nirmala. Adopted from ancient Sanskrit, Pratapa translates to glory while Nirmala means pure. In short, to achieve glory, we need to get customer respect and loyalty, and the only way to achieve this is to sell our products in its purest form, the highest possible quality.
Fahrenheit’s first manufacturing facility was constructed in a major industrial complex in Tangerang, West Java on two hectares of land. Its first commercial batch consisted of cardiovascular drugs and vitamins prepared in simple oral forms. Since then, the plant’s technology and facilities have been continuously upgraded several times to offer only the highest quality products.
In 1994, Fahrenheit expanded its manufacturing and added oral and injectable Cephalosporine to its lineup. Another expansion was completed in 1995 to accommodate the manufacturing of small volume parenteral (SVP) and ophthalmic products. Despite the economic crisis of 1998 in Asia, the company aggressively expanded its manufacturing capabilities to develop large volume parenteral products with a focus on antibiotics. Our investment in oral and injectable hormone contraceptive products bore fruit in 2004. A new facility was constructed to accommodate for increased demand of oral and injectable Cephalosporine in 2010.
By 2012, the company invested in a larger SVP plant complete with a lyophilized facility. We finished construction of a larger facility for LVP products in 2015 and we are currently building an additional plant for our oral dosage preparations due to be finished in 2017. All of Fahrenheit’s practices comply with the GMP International Standards to develop an assortment of ethical products for cardiovascular, hematopoietic, respiratory, metabolic, alimentary, genitourinary systems, antibiotics and vitamins from simple oral forms two injectable forms including IV solutions. With the company’s wide range of capabilities, it has positioned itself as a major branded generic manufacturing company in Indonesia focusing on specialty products.
PT. Fahrenheit Synthon Pharma (Joint Venture)

For the sake of achieving our vision to be a company that focuses on specialty pharmaceutical products, we have formed a joint venture company called PT. Fahrenheit Synthon Pharma with Synthon BV from the Netherlands. Synthon BV is uniquely established and is highly recognized as a vertically integrated company developing and manufacturing specialty products from active raw materials to its finished formulations. Our manufacturing facility is located at Kawasan Industri Milennium, Tangerang which will product high potent oral products used in the field of oncology.
With this company, this unique manufacturing capability will provide Fahrenheit with the opportunity to penetrate the fast growing specialty segment of oncology as well as neurology and urology segments. Together with Synthon BV, Farhenheit has the potential to become a market leader in the specialty segment. Our joint venture company will compete in the specialty segment which has been historically dominated by multinational companies and our job will be to provide alternative prescription medicine for medical doctors and Indonesian patients that has been approved by European standards.
As such, we will be able to reach our vision to be a company that produces specialty pharmaceutical products and our extended range of products will be able to cater to more patients as part of our mission.